C.G.B. (Comité de Gestion du Bulletin) - C.B.B. (Comité van Beheer van het Bulletin) is an
intermediate between the two Belgian chemical societies (Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging and Société Royale de Chimie) and Chemistry Europe.
The management committee consists of representatives of the two chemical societes
and the departments of chemistry of the Belgian universities. Its tasks are:
- to manage the money generated by the Chemistry Europe journals,
- to promote the European journals of Chemistry Europe,
- to support young Belgian chemists.
In addition C.G.B.-C.B.B. stimulates all initiatives that support
(1) young researchers in chemistry at Belgian research laboratories and
(2) research laboratories in chemistry at Belgian universities and associations
of higher education.
C.G.B.-C.B.B. promotes the European journals of Chemistry Europe, contributes to the
establishment of new European research journals and motivates Belgian scientists to
publish their research in these European journals and to participate in the
activities of C.G.B.-C.B.B.
Honorary members
R. Schoonheydt
Council of C.G.B.-C.B.B.
President: prof. em. Claudine Buess-Herman
Secretary: prof. Benoit Champagne
Treasurer: prof. Katrien Strubbe
Representative of SRC: Dr. Cédric Malherbe
Representative of KVCV: lr.Thomas Vranken
General assembly of C.G.B.-C.B.B.
Council + representatives of the universities:
university |
representative |
substitute |
KU Leuven |
Tatiana Vogt-Parac |
Wim De Borggraeve |
UGent |
Klaartje De Buysser |
Frederic Lynen |
Frank De Proft |
Steven Ballet |
UAntwerpen |
Christophe De Bie |
Pegie Cool |
UHasselt |
Dirk Vanderzande |
Wouter Maes |
UMons |
Pascal Gerbaux |
Mathieu Surin |
UNamur |
Vincent Liégeois |
Johan Wouters |
Gwilherm Evano |
Kristin Bartik |
UCLouvain |
Charles-André Fustin |
Tom Leyssens |
ULiège |
Lionel Delaude |
Françoise Remacle |
Winners of the 2024 incentive awards are:
- Dr. Enrico Cadoni, Universiteit Gent
- Dr. Ibrahim Khalil, KU Leuven